Taken on April the 14th, the 'additions' to the lockdown, which the Prime Minister has extended until May the 3rd, foresee the reopening of some commercial establishments. However, the majority of the activities of our country remain suspended. The blockade sanctioned by the Dpcm has, in recent months, triggered a race to digitize the corporate work.
The phenomenon of Smart Working is spreading in what is presented as a reference working framework. "Intelligent work" therefore assumes a fundamental social role in minimizing the possibility of contagion, while continuing our own activities. According to the results of the Smart Working Observatory of the Polytechnic of Milan, however, there are still many companies, and in particular SMEs, disinterested in the topic.
The lack of practical information on the subject makes it difficult to "trust" these new tools. In this regard, we at ITER felt the need to deepen a series of concepts that could be useful in approaching a reality so far little known. Our team has therefore created a document (and a page) that can be consulted in which anyone who needs it can find the information for an optimal and profitable management of this tool of work facilitation.
The maxi experiment of agile work on a massive level is in fact immediately applicable, thanks to the implementing decree n.6 of February the 23rd, which provides for urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency; in particular: "the suspension of working activities for companies [...] with the exception of those that can be carried out in home or remote mode".
However, as Mariano Corso, Scientific Manager of the Smart Working Observatory of the Polytechnic of Milan, underlined, it is necessary that: «Workers, and especially those who are already Smart Workers, return the credit of trust by demonstrating autonomy, commitment and sense of responsibility».